
I know. If anyone should take credit for the so-called golden age of television it's Mr. Gandolfini (and David Chase.)

I went and looked it up. HBO is out but a production company has bought the TV rights to it. No word on when or where it will happen.

Is HBO still toying with American Gods or have they passed completely on it?

My favorite shitty website is better than yours.

For fuck's sake. So you have to tear down one show in order to build another up? I love Hannibal but it's fans are starting to make me almost want it to get canceled. GOT forever!


Didn't he use cats as crossbow target practice?

My read on that Cersei slapping scene is that Joffrey's heard the rumors but he just doesn't care.

There's some cat killing by Joffrey in the books. They sadly left it out of the show.

So Terminus ends up being a plot device that brings all the characters back together. At least, much as I feared, it doesn't appear to be another long term stopping place that drags out for a season or two.

I'm glad you mentioned the bumpers for the upcoming scenes. This isn't a reality show in need of padding. It's not like we're gonna stop watching because we didn't know a battle was coming up.

Is there anything you guys don't like?

The man with the cigarette, beard, and unkept shirt does not care what I think. Yet his very manliness makes me wonder what he's thinking.

That gun battle/tank assault reminded me of a combination of The A Team, The Dukes of Hazard, and Charlie's Angels. That's got to be good, right?