
I read that he almost lost his job during the most recent round of layoffs. I would suspect his name is at the top of the list to be let go when the next round inevitably comes.

You mean Daario? He is back in Mereen holding down the fort with the Second Sons.

Don’t you f* king call me a wuss. My brother is stationed in Japan and I will do everything in my power to prevent a tiny dick madman from getting him killed because he needs to boost his approval ratings.

We shouldn’t let dollars and cents determine what is and is not acceptable human behavior. Market forces are purely REACTIVE and don’t stop the bad behavior from occurring in the first place.

Those spineless wuss leaders kept the peace for 65 years. Trump seems determined to create a major international crisis.

You can piss off with your Pacer hate. Seek counseling to deal with your disturbing emotional issues. Are you still butthurt over that 2014 playoff loss?

I dom’t get the hatred for the Pacers. They have won four straight and Sir Lancelot has given them a big shot in the arm. Myles Turner is one of the best young players in the NBA.

This was called a jump ball with under one minute left in the game. UNC was up 1 at the time.

HE didn’t even TRY to box out on both misses. He got pushed around twice. Despite all of the flash and pizazz of the game you see on Sportscenter, at the end of the day, winning or losing comes down to fundamentals taught to you when you are eight.

Has no one considered that this rule change will also reduce wear and tear on the pitcher’s arm? It’s four fewer throws they have to make.

The first sentnce is wrong. Woodrow Wilson signed this act into law, not Calvin Coolidge.

The bright side is that these mass resignations severely hamper the ability of the federal government to perform competently which could damage Trump politically. His entire campaign and transition were logistical clusterfucks and so is his presidency. We are not even a week in and I am exhausted and terrified. We

Wrong. The US is organized into multiple dense corridors of population that would benefit from high speed rail.

Seriously, this is straight out of the Oceania, Nazi Germany, Soviet Union, and North Korean playbook- blatantly lie and challenge people’s perceptions of reality. Autocrats do this to assert their dominance. Spicer is nothing more than a Propaganda Minister at this point.

Seriously, expect blue states to see a population surge under Trump as people move to places where there are decent public services, well funded schools, reproductive health care available, and strong environmental regulations.

Well the good thing is that Caifornia, Oregon, Washington, Colorado, and Hawaii all have Democratic governors who wouldn’t turn federal lands over to business interests. Nevada and New Mexico both have Dem controlled state legislatures which might hopefully be able to stop any transfer of federal land to private