
Logano is 100% correct that Kenseth is a coward.

Joey didn’t do anything wrong. Kenseth made a poor blocking attempt.

Congratulations. You are what is wrong with NASCAR.

that’s something to respect...

Even if you have a grudge, this was completely unacceptable. Yes, Joey turned Matt at Kansas, after Matt threw a pretty hasty and dangerous block, but this was just being a twat.

Running someone through the corner and into the wall isn’t excusable.

I blame the chase. Years of pressure to not be ‘boring’ (his championship season is insanely impressive) and you get this.


I’m sorry for my language, but that was a complete CHICKEN SHIT move by Kenseth. YOU SHOULD NEVER INTENTIONALLY WRECK SOMEONE, in this day of safety coddling. I couldn’t stand Kenseth before, but I had heard he was at least a nice guy by other drivers. Nope. Complete dick head apparently. Yes Logano wrecked him at

I have no horse in this race (F1 is over and the 4 o’clock NFL game is boring), but the right front on Kenseth’s car is still fully inflated. If NASCAR wants to get this under control, they should park Kenseth for next week at the very least, if not for the season.

I was such a Kenseth fan especially when he raced for Roush. I thought Kenseth had more class than that. I am disappointed.

inb4 idiots praising this move. You cannot compare what happened in Kansas to this. Kansas was pure racing. Joey held his line, Kenseth blocked an got spun. Kenseth, the classless asshole he is, just intentionally wrecked the leader.

Kids die every year playing this sport.... Do you want football outlawed? Just curious.

2011 IndyCar World Championship, when Dan Wheldon died. Just heartbreaking.

But being a slave to a video game company is.... cool?

The real issue is that the first game shipped unfinished, and now a month later is borderline playable. They should still all be working on making the first game work before moving on to a second.

Translation: I am dumb, and new ideas weird me out.

Which pitcher PITCHED a better a game (not lucked into):

Science fiction: (noun) 1. A genre of literature which emphasizes currently unrealized ideas such as space or time travel, sentient machines, etc. 2. A belief that Liverpool will ever win the league.

I like to leave a very fine line of toothpaste along their front windshield wipers. Then I put one dot on the drivers side at eye level. When they get in the car, they see the door and hit the wipers. This will smear toothpaste all over the windshield.

No one threw a plate at an old man. I have a feeling you didn't do well on the reading comp portion of the SATs.