
The entire Mitsubishi lineup looks like shit and targets poor/cheap people.

Later in the game, after a missed layup by Tim Hardaway Jr, MacLean noted, “That guy’s the worst shooting guard when it comes to driving since Bobby Phills.”

I’m from this area and I grew up around guys like this, who consider themselves totally not racist because they work around black people. They’ll often try to test out a person’s comfort by doing some variation of the Chris Rock “difference between black people and n-words” bit or dropping a reference to Soul Glo or

Fair point, but then compare it to cranberry juice or orange juice, or red bull

Neither does Bloody Mary mix, but lo and behold.

Ginger beer isn’t a basic ingredient but tonic water is? BOO. THIS LIST IS BAD AND I DISAGREE WITH IT.

I agree in theory. I guess in reality, now we’ll find out for sure.

So after some more Googling on this guy, he apparently didn’t just fake his Dragster score - he fucking faked EVERYTHING he ever submitted or partook in.

I don’t know, Snyder’s evil shitbaggery has been limited to one spot in one city, as racist and degenerate as that shitbaggery has been. Kroenke has managed to be a complete cockmuppet in two sports, on two continents, to two separate fan bases.

I am thinking the second one. More likely she hardly ever takes it in rather than she takes it in all the time and the place is full of liars.

According to her Twitter feed, someone at an oil change place told this woman that her tires are fine. [facepalm] I suspect the oil change place she used told her this while NOT changing her oil and charging her for the service anyways OR her last oil change was a very long time ago.

The place isn’t racist. The customers, however....

I don’t think people find Cracker Barrel racist at this point. Go or don’t go, but the decision should be about whether or not your coworkers will think you’re dorky for taking them to a place with a kitschy gift shop and checker tables next to large fireplaces.

PS: Get the chicken and dumplings, or just a breakfast

“Live and Let Die”, the only Bond theme that rocked so hard that G’n’R covered it.

This is what white people do, everyday in large and small ways to PoC. They antagonize and antagonize and antagonize you, it gives them a sense of false worth to feel better than. It’s their whole persona, being “better than”. “I may be poor, but at least I ain’t a nigger!” White people are fully aware of the

Unless you are from North Korea and don’t want to be sent to a labor camp

I have 0 problem with them in a game like Overwatch, where they are cosmetic only and don’t affect gameplay. Call of Duty on the other hand is a joke.

I actually think this is a great way to relate to the common wrestling fan, who is also married to his thirteen-year-old cousin.

Ainge turned down the above-described offer

PSNOW failed precisely because it was A) massively overpriced at launch (this isn’t) and B) BECAUSE it’s a streaming service and is therefore incredibly unreliable.