
It’s funny because they’ve sold twice as many consoles but they only sell about 33% more games of most of the AAA titles. The Xbox console tie rate is much higher.

The titles are pretty disappointing. If you can’t get games that are either huge older titles or less than a year old I don’t see the point. The only thing I see in the tease that fits this is Halo 5. EA Access is only $30 a year and games typically hit it about 6-8 months after release, plus you get a trial of

Can you imagine the uproar if white people were enslaved for hundreds of years, and after having been freed were still denied basic rights for another century, and then were denied the tools that would allow them to better their overall circumstance like decent education and access to housing and banking, and then

So sad what Mitsubishi has become. My first car was a second gen Eclipse and I loved it. They had so many cool cars in the 90s and now they don’t have anything at all.

Pence or no Pence, Indiana really going all out with an anti-Gay agenda.

You laugh now, but in the Trumpocalypse this will be a valuable feature.

The moon has the best cheese... the best. That’s why I’m going to build a knife... a huge beautiful knife... and get some of that cheese, ok?

How coincidental, Triple H will be our bond rating after the Trump Presidency.

Wow, you’re a moron.

Shot in the middle of an intersection in broad fucking daylight while trying to apologize. This is a scary country we live in.

Thanks! I haven’t watched the original in decades (I think the last time was in the 90s). I did do a mad scramble of a search for the old Cyberpunk 2020 source book based around Westworld through my pile of RPGs from when I was in high school. Couldn’t find it much to my dismay.

Sounds like Gottlieb charged his takes to a stolen credit card.

Oh look! It’s Vincent Adultman, heading off to a long day at the business factory!

No, taxation is not illegal because society, through its elected representatives, have decided that certain costs are to be borne by society as a whole. Thus, taxes.

Yup, super fun. And kind of hilarious when you fall and die with a crunch while your body spins off down the mountain.

From the dick kicker to the dick pic’er

Blackberry should have bought Palm if just for the software. WebOS was way ahead of its time

That’s not what I said and you’re assuming a lot, but sure. Definitely appreciate the snark though. And I’m terribly sorry that WWE16 murdered your parents in a dark alley. I can only imagine the pain you must’ve went through.

Blue Thunder Racing.

tbh after I hit “publish” I thought “this was a dumb thing to say.”