Why do _[minority group]_ need their own _[trade/issue]_ advocacy group?
She’s fantastic and Trump is a sputtering bully. Everyone in that press room needs to do the job that Ms. Alcindor is.
The most serious part of this is that she lives with her father who is currently battling Leukemia. She has a very real, very immediate reason that she should be minimizing his exposure to ANYTHING. She goes off on it being a bad flu. Sure, but your dad shouldn’t be exposed to bad flu right now either. That’s why…
I can’t imagine anything more Hanks than refusing to replace this unheard-of actress with someone more bankable - and being right.
It was a limited series right up to the point where El Cuco made his little “Are there others like me? I’ve sometimes felt...” aside. That was basically the producers signalling “Yeah, we’ll be angling for a second season here.”
For me, Jason Bateman’s speech in the prison, where he talks about teaching Ralph’s son to bunt, was the high point of this production. That was one hell of a performance. I’ve been a fan of Jason Bateman a long time, but I had no idea (and would not have guessed) that he had that much juice.
Warren was not a perfect candidate, but she was the most competent candidate this year.
I’m super surprised she couldn’t even put on a good showing in Mass, don’t blame her for dropping out after that.
Well, first you seemed baffled that I located this spiritual riff on its Universal Monsters predecessors within the context of ... its Universal Monsters predecessors, so you’ll excuse me if I don’t lend your bafflement much credence. But the comic book comparison is just that: a comparison, designed to explain how…
What if we’ve already seen Hollow Man?
Iridium Mike Tyson. He’s rebranded.
And damn it, How I Met Your Mother! I hate Ted Mosby! I hate him enough to use my 1000th post to commemorate it.
They dropped the ball on Jack, too.
I can see criticizing the character as unlikable, or criticizing the actor's performance.
Your article is wrong about Nucky Thompson. He is NOT boring. That's probably the most common complaint about the show and it's inaccurate. Maybe in the earlier episodes when he WAS a glad handing politician…
it's hard to say Rick Grimes is the least interesting character on that show because they all are uninteresting
Oh my yes, Piper is the worst. My wife and I have debated whether to keep watching the show after every episode knowing there is going to be at least 20-25 minutes of Piper forthcoming. And she is the worst. The worst.
Where is Ted Mosby?
The Big Bang Theory - Leonard
Once Upon a Time - Emma, but still redeemable
Orange Is the New Black - Piper
The Vampire Diaries - Elena
Legend of Korra - Korra