Samuel L. Bronkowitz

Your could’ve added all 3 of Jenji Kohan’s shows to this list as she can’t seem to write an interesting main character for the life of her. It’s a hallmark of her shows.

Ellen's "keeping up with the Joneses" joke is the real crime against humanity. 

2016 Maserati Ghibli.

Fuck this thing times infinity for not having Splatterhouse, the one game I would've played religiously on the TG16 console. 

Fuck this thing times infinity for not having Splatterhouse, the one game I would've played religiously on the TG16

Ron Kulpa-ble of being a big-time asshole. 

“The selection of a reality television personality to host a presidential debate that voters nationwide will be watching is beneath the office of the Presidency and flies in the face of that office’s history and dignity.” -This dude’s dad, 2011

I bookmarked this one on my phone because of the number of times I shared it arguing with some dipshit on Facebook after a mass shooting. Perfect satire.

The Mitsubishi Starion was supposed to be named the “Stallion”, but Japanese executives couldn’t pronounce the “L” sound and we ended up with Starion.

When they videoconference Moz Kanata during her battle and they asked her what was going on, she dismissed it as “Some union dispute...Too boring to talk about.” Or something. I took that as a backhanded slap to the Trade Union battles that the entire prequels were based off.

He played bass for Foss and toured extensively with the band. Go back to watching incest porn, Ted.

Clown Orgy

Can you tell me someone who’s worthy of memorial?

Yet somehow, Mario Yamasaki was still the shittiest thing in the cage tonight.

Years ago when TPSH was just getting started I commented on one of his HoF posts. I was polite, but he absolutely went after me in the comments. I stopped reading his blog, so I’m glad to know he’s still a complete asshole.

Never take the Flames’ sloppy seconds.

Ride the Lightning owns all. That is not an opinion, that is a fact. I will fight you if you disagree.

Surprised it isn’t # 88.