Use the Federally mandated LATCH system. Problem solved.
Use the Federally mandated LATCH system. Problem solved.
They’re still less attractive than a prolapse...
For the past three days, I have been driving a Nissan Rogue rental.
Hey failing Jalopnik, stop talking about China maybe. All I ever hear, China this, China that, Cordobavirus this and that. I bet America can make virus better than China. How about Ivankavirus? That would be a classy, beautiful broad virus. That I would absolutely date. And you can tell China we’re going to protect…
This is what I needed today. This is the pick-me-up my heart was prescribed. Thank you for assuming I have friends. Thank you.
It will fail, most people want wagons with manual transmissions, and crank windows.
“Stroll the elder”
Renault is backing off its attempt to swallow Nissan
If it has enough power, but the power delivery sucks, then it doesn’t have enough power in the only way people actually care about.
As long as someone isn’t trying to pull into the spot on the other side it is totally fine.
Maybe the building just walked into a door and maybe people need to stop asking so many questions.
You can praise it all you want, Patrick, but we’ve already collectively made the decision to hate it on principal.
I think you could actually make money with this SRT4.
Unions are integral to how labor works, and how management interacts with labor. Back in the early 2000s, I was working for an adult novelty and marital tools company called Head & Spin.
I just realized this seeing Strasburg next to it, but the C8 has a REALLY high beltline. I’m wondering how visibility will be, looking out of the sides of the car.
The next Jaguar sports car should return to its heritage and use a straight-6. I mean an non-gender identifying six-cylinder engine where the cylinders are arranged in a line, and mounted in a non-intersecting way with the transmission, propeller shaft and then intersecting the differential at the opposite end of the…
My guy I have a great car for you.
Finally somebody put some effort into a Chevy interior.
Pfft... Mankind has enjoyed delicious and wholesome animal milks since he learned to tie a goat to a tree. Across all cultures, all geographic areas and all epochs... There’s nothing wrong with drinking animal milks, or churning it to make creamy butters, or fermenting it into toothsome cheeses.