In a Mini; let them mock me as My Mini Countryman is higher than you

Unlike Trump, Le Pen is not a complete fucking moron. Any overture she makes to Trump will be for the purpose of taking advantage of his stupidity, al la Putin.

Wow. This is the most alarmist post I’ve read here yet. You just outdid Ashley and Hamilton combined.

Ronda Rousey was always overrated, and the second she saw an opponent higher up the ladder than Glass Joe, they made mincemeat of her face. She should retire from fighting, and chase her dream of being a top-tier competitive Pokemon player.

In other words: the Clintons created the legal precedent that the White House isn’t a federal agency, and thus, you can hire your spouse or your chinless nightmare of a son-in-law to any position your heart desires.

Plenty of Jalops will buy the 2018 Stinger - in 2026.

Well, when you say it like that, it sounds like this is a non-story just being used as propaganda to shift blame for losing the election away from Hillary and her completely inept campaign staff while simultaneously trying discredit Trump. I guess you could throw something about ratings and clicks in there as well.

gotta get to 80000 cars in game somehow.

It’ll slow them down a lot. The US *is* the car market of the world. No matter what anyone says about China or Europe, the bulk of the sales volume is here, right in the good ol’ US of A.
Auto Manufacturers do not invest billions of dollars building plants in Mexico if they can’t make billions more on that “investment”

A plethora of political correctness issues that have reached militant proportions.

Regardless of whether it was satire or not, this professor is a moron. I. What world did he think calling for death to white people was going to improve race relations in any way?

you don’t vote every single time, this is the result.


More likely, it’s the fact that he’s a 70 year old man. An inch-and-a-half loss by that age isn’t actually that bad.

Look, I’m just as disappointed in this election’s outcome as anyone. But could we all stop with the fucking crying about it? Seriously, put on your fucking big boy and big girl pants and start figuring out what to do now. Jesus fucking
Christ on a stick.

People with a mindset stuck in the 14th Century cannot live with the rest of us. But Merkel will rather sue Facebook for hate speech then save their own citizens from terrorists.

Something I noticed.

Good. This isn’t America’s war, never has been. If they didn’t want to get killed, they shouldn’t have started or supported a civil war, because that’s what invariably happens in a civil war.

I just want to use this opportunity to point out, again, that Voter Fraud And Election Rigging Is Extremely Extremely Rare.

Which is really the tragedy of Obama’s administration... instead of dialing back Bush’s expansion of executive power, he continued to ramp it up. These are things we know in part thanks to leaks from Snowden and Manning. All the while liberals have been happy to condemn the whistleblowers and continue sucking

If you can’t criticize Israel for the shit they’ve done without being acused of anti-semitism, then the world is truly fucked.