“The responses on this thread from self-proclaimed Progressives; people who claim to care about right and wrong, are repulsive, and further proof that the bulk of the American Left are content with corporatist warmongering.”
Exactly this.
Never mind Denny Hastert: An Actual Sexual Predator. He’s one of them. But make up some crazy unfounded stuff about That Witch and man o man, action must be taken.
God knows I’m not a fan, but Boris Johnson isn’t a fascist. A fairly ruthless and generally unprincipled Tory pol hiding behind a disheveled, bumbling exterior? Absolutely. Not a fascist though.
No. Because Trump won based upon the rules of the game (most points wins). But since people don’t like Trump, they’re willing to disregard the rules and give the W to the team with the most yards.
Sorry but not sorry at all. Burqas are meant to demean women and subject them to misogynistic rules. Women get punished for getting raped in societies that make them wear burqas. Burqas represent truly awful male dominance and subjugation.
Were any of the bystanders wearing safety pins, though? That’s how you can tell who will support and defend their persecuted minority countrymen have an eggnog latte and an air of indifference to the suffering of those around them.
Apart from whether or not there is merit in single-sex institutions of education, if you want a school to stay afloat despite economic pressures, you have to fiscally support that institution.
I think another big piece is just trolling liberals. I think that’s important to the Breitbart authors.
The deal is the entrenched DNC leadership can’t win a goddamned election to save their idiot lives but they can certainly drag down any internal challengers, and aren’t above collaborating with alt-right media to stay in power.
The ADL can eat a fucking dick. Any organization whose concern is a foreign country and wants to entrench the concerns of that country into our politics can go the fuck to that country and bother them. In other words perhaps the ADL would be more interested in moving to Israel since they are so much more concerned…
The accusation of anti-semitism for not blindly praising anything and everything Israel does is as much or more of a political death sentence in the United States, as it is here in Germany. It’s the most egregious case of the tail wagging the dog that I’ve ever seen.
Orlove should’ve known by now...
That sentiment is certainly not unique to the US. We have a loyalty to our fellow citizens that may exceed that of another country. I know I do.
Here’s a question: To what degree does it matter that these are “legitimately” the tweets of a 7-year-old girl—as opposed to her mother writing in her name for heightened effect? I ask because I’m sure there are lots of people who will get bogged down in skepticism about the veracity of the source of the narrative.
Even if they do switch it will not mean that Clinton is President. Under an 1887 law it states that if any States send in multiple conflicting sets of electoral college votes, Congress gets to vote on which ones to recognize. Congress is controlled by Republicans.
The romance lives on mostly due to young quasi-liberals who REALLY haven’t done their research. For crying out loud there’s been lots of recent posts going round tumblr from a bit from older liberals begging the younger ones to PLEASE stop romanticizing the Soviet Union already. Because yes there are a lot of young…