In a Mini; let them mock me as My Mini Countryman is higher than you

Due to the One Child Policy and Chinese culture’s emphasis on boys, many Chinese girls were abandoned during that time.


WAIT. Are you #NotWithHer? If she wins she would be France’s first female president.

Oil prices are a subtle form of controlling inflation. Since the US dollar is backed by oil exports (all OPEC countries must trade oil in US dollars or... else), the price of oil is tied closely to the strength of the US dollar (“Petrodollar”)

Note that it started when we came off the gold standard...

It’s a damn shame. I have a feeling that in another life. Alex Jones could have been an awesome voice actor

Also, it has A FUCKING TRANS BRAKE. Which work way better with autos


Now playing

[Muffled “Panzerlied” in the distance]

Dice could reskin Operations or Frontlines with the Space Battles (they released them in Bfront, the “Trench Run”). I hope they make the flying less arcadey.

Holy Fucking Godwin batman.

Sorry bud. To the victor go the spoils

Have you heard of the “Bay of Pigs” Invasion?

Tribalism is an inherent part of human nature. To deny this is to deny reality and history.

>Since Arab Spring


Better advice? Fuck the car. He should dump his money in a diversified investment portfolio or a Vanguard fund. If he wants to invest here’s how he should do it:

Sunocos carry 100 & 110 I think

That’s why everyone hates people like Nolan. He is isolated from reality in his hipster ass little office in Brooklyn. They assume everything will be rainbows and unicorns if we bow down to the government. America WAS FOUNDED ON NOT BOWING DOWN TO THE GOVERNMENT. THERE ARE NO NOBILITY HERE.

Krogans have 4... members and 8 balls