
“The on-going investigation does not lead us to believe that the fire is in any way related to Roy Moore or allegations made against him,”

From one of the linked articles;

Mention this next time someone asks why women don’t say anything sooner or at all.

Now playing

I’m creating this burner solely to tell you that you must MUST watch this video right now.

Waka Flocka

..........according to Judith Martin, aka Miss Manners, when served a plate, one eats what one likes.......Polite People do not notice what others do or do not eat..........and comments upon the food are not proper, other than a “Thank you for an excellent meal”............(which really should just be rolled into a

No waitstaff wants to hear about your idiosyncratic dietary preferences! Just order what you can eat. Don’t make someone play a game of having to pick for you, a waiter doesn’t know all the ingredients of everything, or having to go running back to the chef to ask if pizza can be made with tofu instead of cheese.

Good Lord! Can you imagine that lightweight doing time even in a secure facility and being able to stage a comeback.

No worries. They can meet for dinner at the next rapist convention. Share stories, reminisce, discuss strategies....

Roman Polanksi expressed disappointment that he didn’t get to hang with Harvey Weinstein over the holidays.

It is illegal to not allow workers to discuss salary amongst themselves.

Not surprising in the slightest. Dudes practically get gold star awards for parenting their own children, why wouldn’t they get more pay for being preschool teachers? I mean, we have to reward them for working with children, there are so few men teaching preschool now!

and they go fucking ballistic with threats of pedophiles in public restrooms due to North Carolina bathroom bill but fuck-it-all if they didn’t try to roll out a red carpet for a bonafide sex predator from Alabama. FUCK the GOP.

Gotta keep feeding the PRIVATIZED prison system. They have friends that own stock in those companies, ya know.


If you do great at interviewing, you can make more money, eh?

Yep. Colorado went for Dubya at least once.

Well it’s all them darn liberal states raking in the sweet weed tax revenue. Can’t have THAT!

I love that the party of “states rights” are against it when the states approve something they don’t like (Gay Marriage/Weed/ect.)