Yes - Chip.
Yes - Chip.
I enjoy Rehab Addict, where Nicole Curtis goes in an flips an old house and tries to restore it as much as she can with classic and time-period furnishings. She did a great house in Detroit and people LOVED it. It set off a nice rehab of a lot of really beautiful old homes and I drove by a few last week and just…
I fucking hate it when couples say “we’re pregnant”. Um, no. Only one person is pregnant. If my husband ever said that I’d punch him in the nuts.
Sure, but women are often seen as arrogant, difficult, pushy, and bitchy when they negotiate in the exact same way that men do. So it’s not just that we need to ask for more.
Oh man is this true. People act horrified and offended when you negotiate your salary. The only reason I have my current salary is that my boss-a 50 year old white man-backed my request during my most recent promotion and had the clout to get it done.
I want Chip to come out.
I feel the same way about them and I don’t know what it is. They annoy the crap out of me and I am tired of the husband especially.
Is it wrong of me that I’m waiting for the next breaking celebrity headline to be that one of them is a crackhead or serial cheater? I just love seeing Christian couples implode. I’m sick, I know.
Sounds like my ex-husband. Not the cheating (although we did open our marriage and he ran into the arms of a girl in her late 20s), but the never-being-wrong. Now he’s with someone who will never challenge him and I’m much happier without him. It’s so damaging to be in the type of relationship you are describing. I…
After being ghosted by the first person I’d felt was a real possibility in my entire adult life (I was 37), my therapist at the time, who had been online dating for many years with mixed results, said she had come to the conclusion that many men (probably also women) were in it for the thrill and validation of someone…
I like this post and it gave me a lot of hope. I just wish the men I had loved had even known who I was. I’m 45 and I’ve never been in a relationship. Never. They don’t like me. At all. I know men are a lot of work...just being friends with them is sometimes exhausting! But I’d like to at least get one chance to find…
I feel this so hard. After more than a year of not dating, I met someone and it seemed like it had some potential, so I let the walls down a bit, let my hopes get up, then: he ghosted.
As a 43-yr-old married man, I agree with this. I’m a decent husband and father, but wouldn’t say I’m ‘exceptional’. My wife, on the other hand, is truly exceptional. She’s a doting mother, a patient wife, my best friend, and is generous and kind to all who cross her path.
These dudes who think they’re owed a perfect 10 by the universe, jfc. I had a friend in his mid-20s; sweet nerdy guy, awesome friend, looked like an adorable miniature version of Hagrid. He had an amazing girlfriend who shared his nerdy interests, enjoyed his friends (I’d actually befriended them each individually…
Firstly, thank you so much for writing and sharing this, and “When Can I Say I’ll Be Alone Forever?” I don’t think I’ve personally identified more with any other posts on this entire site than these.
I am 60 years old. In case it helps, I’m going to tell you what I know.
I never understand people who feel the need to comment on someone’s preferences in life. Like, who are you hurting by being single? Why would anyone be pressed about that?
I’ve got a friend who enjoys casual dating and sex, but doesn’t want to be in a relationship. It his HILARIOUS how many men get super mad at her for that.
It’s how Lady Merc and I started. Friends telling old stories. Sometime last year, we just kind of clicked over to ‘hey, let’s keep doing this, but on a relationship level.’ then on the 9th, last Saturday, I finally made it official and snuck a ring on her finger.
You have a human right to read into any written comment from others, as your heart deems fit. Never one to relate to humans, I spend a lot of my time writing, which is emotionally draining. Society always celebrates man+woman+ child= smiling/happy/success.....NAH FAM!!!! Left an abusive leviathan at work one day (…