
...he would have gone to jail stemming from cutting the brake lines in school buses which is especially dangerous for passengers during an Alaskan winter.

Do you know how traumatic it was for this guy to taker orders, even theoretically, from a Black President? He’s still not over it, and probably will be on disability for the rest of his life.

If I recall correctly, Track was stationed out of Fort Wainwright, Alaska and never saw combat. He did that for two years and was discharged and did recruiting for the National Guard for 2 years. I’m not saying it was easy, but it sure beats being shot at. Also, if the rumors are true, he has forced into service or he

next year’s staring quarterback

Speaking as a Millenial with parents in their 60s/50s, we have come to the conclusion that when it’s time for them to need caring for, they’re getting smothered. With love.

Yeah, Ann: you’re lonely because you are a horrible and wretched person. Not because you aren’t married.

Thank you for your kind wishes. Never fear. I have absolutely no intention of considering motherhood just to assuage Paul Ryan’s racist fears or desire for a cheap labor.

I love my IUD so much.

Almost seven BILLION people on this almost beaten to death planet and this Randian reject vanity muscle asswipe thinks we should be having MORE kids.

Paul Ryan Would Like You To Have More Babies 

Of course he wants people to have more babies - how else will there be a perpetual underclass to work for the One Percenters, buy their goods, and (eventually) have their organs harvested for the benefit of their betters?

Suggesting that women should have more babies doesn’t sound scary and controlling at all.

What is he talking about? Every damn day Trump brags about how many jobs he created and how employment is up. One of them is lying.. and it’s pretty obvious which one of them is.

Do your part, get out there and crank out uneducated, bitter little white babies who will vote against their own self interest for the rest of their miserable lives. It’s our only hope!

I’m 28 and white collar, and I am specifically not having babies any time soon because I feel like I don’t have the support and can’t afford it. I’m not guaranteed paid maternity leave and emotionally, I couldn’t leave a baby in daycare at six weeks. And I need my paycheck every week, and I would need it more if I had

They mean White people, folks.

Paul Ryan. The Koch brothers’ blue-eyed goon. Go home, Paul.

How many of us have had this happen, the no is accepted but they keep trying. Ten mins later, twenty...basically if you stay and continue to chat or laugh or lay next to them or even kiss, they’ll try again.

Men know rape is a bad word, but think the action of rape is just fine. They refuse to admit otherwise.