
I cook for my dog. Hamburger, brown rice, winter squash, beans water and carrots in the crock pot. He absolutely loves it, the cost is about the same as ‘premium’ dog chow and I know exactly what’s in it. I also make dog cookies either peanut butter or shredded cheese mixed with oatmeal eggs& water, roll it out and

Did you ever try asking them what Jesus had to say about abortion?

How did this man escape serious ass whoopings his entire adult life?

You know, fathers are entitled to 12 weeks of family and medical leave when they have a child as well. Do THEY ever get asked if they intend to knock their wife up and be gone for three months after the baby is born?

That should be grounds for divorce.

I mostly am referring to adults who go so far as to have Disney-themed weddings, etc. etc.

I believe it’s actually explicitly illegal for an employer to ask that.

When I was in middle management at a small media company, I had superiors give me grief when I hired women, for similar reasons. I think I was able to insulate my subordinates from that BS for the most part.

But they let a pregnant Tony Siragusa patrol the sidelines for like what, ten years?

They have the FOX News problem of knowing their demographic target demands only extremely attractive female reporters and male hosts literally incapable of respecting women in any way

It’s not really a trash bag, is it? It looks more like faux leather or something latexy. I know nothing about fashion, though.

Q: How many #sponcons can you fit into one post?

Me, upon seeing Stamos’s fiancee’s post:

“Matt Lauer fighting to save his marriage.”


I adore her so so much. Her music is great and she is just a precious person.

Now playing

We have introduced you to Nikki Lane, right: