Oh, I don’t know! I thought the only things I knew about her were 1. She’s a Victoria’s Secret model and 2. She was married to Orlando Bloom. Turns out though that Miranda Kerr was the one Bloom married so I only know one thing about her.
Oh, I don’t know! I thought the only things I knew about her were 1. She’s a Victoria’s Secret model and 2. She was married to Orlando Bloom. Turns out though that Miranda Kerr was the one Bloom married so I only know one thing about her.
I came face to face with the reality that I am of secondary importance to the the doctor the other day when discussing the possibility of a c-section. I have chronically (very) low platelets, which makes surgery risky. Despite this, the doctor said “if we need to do a c-section to safely deliver the baby, we will, no…
Never mind that for centuries, that natural process was a major cause of death for women in adulthood.
I had a very strange complication with my last birth: Peripartum Cardiomyopathy. No one listened to me when I described my symptoms in the hospital (one of the biggest and best in the country, btw) after delivering a very healthy baby following a very healthy and uneventful pregnancy. I was discharged but at home, my…
I listened to this last week while I was driving; I had to pull over because I was crying so hard.
Go fuck yourself. Seriously, only fuck yourself if you’re such an inept dickhead that you need a fucking instruction list to interact with women when you don’t need it for anyone or anything else.
All those motherfuckers with Free Hugs signs always look like they haven’t bathed in a month.
There’s lots of women who love their cars, we just get shut down so early. I still became a commercial driver. I love it. I don’t love the way men talk down to me about my driving when my safety and delivery records are better than theirs, and I’m number 3 in my company (behind 2 older women).
I literally just encountered this fucking foolery. My friend baked dinner buns for Thanksgiving at our house and posted a photo of them on Facebook. This is the comment she received from a can-we-even-hug-anymore-fool.
“Twenty years ago could told her nice buns today I have to say great bread production”
I don’t believe…
Get rid of the grid girls. When a woman says she has a favorite driver, don’t make snarky comments it’s only because of his looks. Do you ever invite your female friends and relatives to watch or go to a race?
Or women look at motorsports where currently 99% of the visible women are in bikinis or head to toe Spandex and are only there to look pretty and hand out trophies, and they decide to nope right out.
I’m reminded of the ‘women can’t run marathons because stamina’ arguments from the olden days.
Driving a race car is not moving a lever between P-R-N-D and finger-twirling the electrically-assisted steering wheel.
I get the hate against the shirt. Each one of those names represents at least one woman who went through some degree of hell to be heard and believed, and several more degrees of hell while experiencing the harassment. And probably the one name is just a single person for whom the harassment was sufficiently…
Driving a racecar with no power assists over 305 kilometers while being repeatedly subjected to gravitational forces exceeding 7G’s in corners all while wearing a hot racing suit and helmet is actually very physically demanding. But sure, your car does the strength thing for you, right? Let me finish my doughnut and…
My argument is that women are certainly capable of attaining the physical strength needed for competing at the highest levels of motorsport. I’m pretty sure that someone who’s trained as hard as people like Jessie Graff, Meagan Martin and others could withstand the forces of a formula one car or anything else. The…
You are guessing based on the experience of racing one woman. You really have no idea what the playing field would look like if men and women were entering in equal numbers and with equal resources.
It’s really hard to get started in any kind of vehicle-related hobby as a girl or young woman. We have so much less money, freedom, family support, and social support for that kind of thing. My personal experience is that my parents (mostly my mom) kept me from getting a job until I was in college, kept me from…
Actually, I think I do need this.
Women have been collectively treated like shit for centuries. Centuries.