
That’s a whole season of House of Cards, right there.

Yeah, no, I can’t watch scared animals falling off cliffs to their deaths, including CGI dinos. I’d literally have stupid tears in my eyes watching this.

Me too. And I’d love these movies even more if they’d give the raptors the quills and plumage we know they had.

While I would love this to be true, I think that even if Putin came out like “I threw the election, here are the receipts!” most Republicans now would still be like “Fake news! Look, a brown person!” and nothing would change.

Something flipped in my brain earlier this year (possibly fall-out from the election) and I have had a glorious run of Yelling at Men! My favorite specialty is when I am walking by and one makes a rude and disrespectful statement because he is with a group and assumes I will be too afraid to confront him. But in fact,

“Once he’s on his way out, he can pardon some family members, or even throw Pence under the bus if he’s feeling spiteful.” 

From your fingers to god’s ears.

i like this, and i like you. this is exactly the kind of scenario spinning analysis i love. come work with me so we can do this on our coffee breaks.

Heck, I went to look for the GIF and lost my place! Anyway, as the purse-seine fishing net closes around Cheeto Benito and his dreadful family, there are signs from various corners that Putin has set in motion the process of throwing Trump under the bus. Recently, the Kremlin released information for the first time

My first ever time on a plane, Dublin to London. There’s exactly 5 passengers on the plane, me and four guys. One of them is belligerent, sexist as hell, and drunk.; the other three are just embarrassed to be there. So I put on my earphones so I can ignore the world, and stare out the window, I haven’t slept in 30ish

Back in the day I worked in a store where we had lockers to put our stuff in but no locks (I have no explanation for this.) ‘tennyrate, we all wanted the central, eye level lockers because they were easiest and fastest to get into, but even if you got one, other employees had a habit of just taking your stuff out of a

When I was in my 20s, I boarded a plane that had come from Texas, and the guy next to me was a fake cowboy type, already drunk. Before the plane even took off, he put his hand on my leg! When the drinks cart came around, he got another beer and I got a Coke. I took out my pill case to take a valium, as is my habit on

“In my defense, I didn’t think I’d get caught!”

So I have an airplane groping story.

Being ride or die for your friends, even when they’re accused of horrible things, is not a virtue. It’s the hallmark of rapey fraternities and crooked cops. I was never in the fraternity, so seeing men who are willing to turn on their friends when they behave badly is a sign that I might find some safety in a group.

I’ve been so confused by the prevalence of the, “But mom,” reaction, especially since there’s not even a seat at risk. The Republicans don’t have one up on the Democrats if their party is full of harassers and creeps and ours holds its members to a minimal standard of conduct. That’s a good thing for us. It means the

Nooooo. I don’t want her to do this. I want people who are celebrities and not politicians to stop running for the highest elected office in the country. You should have experience to have the job, no matter how smart you are, and how successful you are in your chosen profession. I don’t want it to be a popularity

Oh but it was so creepy the first time Claire talked to the camera. She waited like five seasons to do it and it was worth it.

I am here for mr. Stamper. (Sp?)

Thank Grodd. Claire will finally truly get to shine.