Ugh, it's so cute, I wish I could pull it off. I think it's a nice, fresh change for her.
Ugh, it's so cute, I wish I could pull it off. I think it's a nice, fresh change for her.
Replying to promote. Lab #2 just knew he done wrong!
GOOD LORD. I believe it. Even knowing that animals, especially dogs, pick up on everything, it amazes me that your pup was pretty persistent about wanting nothing to do with that 1/2 room..
Holy smokes..
Oh hey, are you me? You just described my exact situation.
I love this gif, and I love you for posting it. I'm saving it forever.
I will compliment/congratulate you for earning a PhD from MIT. Go you!
Haha, "aggressive reading," the first cousin of "Hate Reading."
Let's make a club.
I want one of these so bad. I'd gladly sell an ovary for one (or, five, whatever price eggs fetch these days).
Replying to bump this comment!
Replying to promote your post. Thank you so much for posting this. I have not seen this on TV yet, but I hope all the channels play the shit out of it. In terms of "Favorite Car Brands," Chevy just moved up on my list.
I got chills when I read that. Benazir would be so proud of Malala.
WAT. Does he have a deathwish? Holy smokes.