
Seriously. If you can't handle yourself to such a degree that you've caused massive disruptions on not one, but two flights, that's when you get hog-tied for the duration of your third flight. Assuming you're allowed to board.

Cheese and crackers, thank you. Thank you for calling out Kyle Petty and his Haterade-chugging ways. Of course he went after Danica— she's an easy target, unfortunately, and he felt the need to cheap-shot it and insult her without doing any of his homework. Like Travis said, given his track record, it's not very

Yes yes yes. I have the same feels.

I'm just gonna to throw it out there and say it— I really like the name. I literally went "awwWWwww!" when I read the article.

Around the 0:30-32 mark, I honestly thought the FF lifted and/or that the driver thought the race was over so he started slowing down.

Oooooh, damn! Very well done.

Oh, you.

Ooh, I got chills. I really want to see this. I'm glad stories like this are being told- they need to be told.

After reading around a bit more, I found out that the extreme arching is considered a powerlifting move. I really had no idea this was a thing!

I didn't think you were supposed to arch your back at all during bench-presses, but I may be wrong:

I read that article this morning. I think it's really telling that a lot of the "solutions" being thrown around (by governments especially) cover almost ANYTHING else except changing the "system" to make it easier and more practical for women to have children without having to quit their jobs or limit their career


OH. Carry on.

Forget Hooters, B-dubs is where it's at. And the waitresses and waiters wear similarly-styled jerseys as their uniforms.

That about sums it up for me.

It's fitting, dangit.

Good lord. I'd be all about that.

If I posted this (which I probably will), it would be the first Comment Shitstorm of 2013 on my FB. I'm hoping to top my 2012 record.

In addition, I'm sure the statute of limitations could have possibly expired by that point.

Exactly. It needs to be very specific as to who can be prosecuted. Even if the law is intended to prosecute those (the rapist, for example) who have forced or attempted to force the victims to get rid of the evidence via abortion, the language of the law is not clear and specific enough to state that the rape victims