
That's what I was thinking as well.... couldn't they just keep a sample of the tissue for evidence? I really have no idea if keeping/freezing a tissue sample from the fetus is even feasible, or if anyone has done this and has been successful in using said tissue as evidence in a rape case.

Lexus (#5) was so spot-on-I would have ranked it higher, IMHO. The QOTD thread for this was amazing to read.

I've been great! I'm actually not on oppo+, but I should be! I'll kick around Oppo every once in a while though.


...... 'Kay.

Oh, I'm totally using this.

Jezebel should add a "Fuck you, feet!" piece to their "Fuck you ___" Week articles.

This is great! If I ever have a discussion about marriage with a partner, I'd want it to go down similar to yours.

I feel the exact same way as you do. I think talking about such a massive life decision is important, and it's a good way to find out if both parties are on the same page instead of a "Surprise! Marry me, maybe? Are you cool with it or...?" I'm also with you on the name changing- have a very distinct first name-last

Perfect, perfect use of this gif.

And/or, drop off the face of the planet after they find out you have a boyfriend (or GF, partner, etc.). I've had a few instances where a guy and I would be friendly towards one another, hang out with mutual friends, share a few interests, etc., but once said guy found out I had a BF (or realized that I was in a



Boundaries and No Means No, bro. LEARN IT.

I recently got into the BIGGEST shitstorm on my Facebook over someone posting a photo/meme thing on my feed that read, "A Real Women (sic) can do it all by herself....but a Real Man won't let her" The only people who were vocally butthurt over me criticizing and calling B.S. on the stereotype that women always need to

I'll second this! I was at a show where they had a classes for minis, and one of the girls I was showing with got thrown off her horse because he was absolutely. terrified. of the minis. He bolted around the arena and parking area for a good five minutes and caused the show to be delayed because everyone was busy

Thank you, thank you.

You answered your own question. It's obviously NOT JUST about the money.


I'll second this. I'm notorious for getting quite a collection of bruises on my legs after a raucous night of drinking. Hence, why I wear knee-high buckled leather "party boots" when I go out to help fend off most of the leg "injuries"....