
Yes, this, over and over. I try to explain to other young women my age that being a feminist does not make you an anti-everything-men, and that feminists, as a whole, do NOT want to be the dominant, superior sex but are fighting for equality across the board. I usually get the, "BBBB-BUT I LOVE MY BOYFRIEND, I can't

I remember those days as well. :)


My boyfriend is also 6'3-6'4 and doesn't pull this spreading thing either. HOW DO THEY DO IT. I also commented to say that "muhfuckin" is now being added to my vernacular.

All of these! I like the theme of tearing down the old stereotype that all women are mean and catty to one another.

Replying to help promote your comment.

Exhibit A: http://jezebel.com/5963161/fox-news-publishes-shocking-expose-on-the-war-on-men

OMG THIS. I had some asshat dudebro post that bile on my FB post regarding the woman who died in Ireland because she was denied an abortion. That, and, "I support a woman's right to make any and all decisions for herself and her body but I'm pro-life." I shit you not.

That sounds a helluvalot like that Devil Logic Talk...so... let's continue to ignore it!

Sweet. I hope this gets COTD.

YES x 1,000

Oh good GOD. I don't know where to start.

Um, YES.


aaand posted to my FB. Thanks for sharing!

Come on, Toyota.

My GOD this makes me feel old as well. I completely forgot about this commercial, and after I watched it I felt like I was in high school again. 9 years, cheese and crackers..


This happened to me as well, except that I'm already registered to vote, but I was re-registering to change which county I could vote in (I moved a few years back). Turns out no one turned in my form, or it got lost/eaten/burned/wtf ever. So I got to vote provisionally, but that's basically like not getting to vote at

I died laughing. It's way over the top, but I get her reaction.