Calling adam carolla an 'unfunny curly haired fuck' is making fun of him. This is outspoken bigotry, which frankly, shouldn't be tolerated.
Calling adam carolla an 'unfunny curly haired fuck' is making fun of him. This is outspoken bigotry, which frankly, shouldn't be tolerated.
Tough question to answer objectively. I think I'm fairly skilled for an average driver. I've driven manuals for 6 years (I'm 24), pretty aggressively. My last car was a Mazda 3, 5 door, 5 speed. I got good enough to drive that car to it's limits. Never been a track guy or autocross type, though. I have a Jeep TJ…
I can hardly laugh at this, reminds me of my experience with a '10 z06. After 5 minutes I knew the car was far beyond my skill level as a driver. The only difference is I realized before I did something moronic.
I have a number of vices, Mr Andreesen. If society deems my love of all things automotive as another, I'll respond the same way I do about my drinking, gambling, smoking, and womanizing: LIKE I GIVE A FUCK.
That was a good year.
I'm trying to think back to Operation Redwing, did we hear about that immediately after it happened? I honestly can't remember now that's it has been 6 years. Still you raise an interesting point, I've heard stories of a family friend's son who was a SF operator during the 2000s where not even his family knew where…
Yeah, the girls in California are quite not unattractive.
Here's some fotos I snapped in the paddock. Actually I did see Bill there but he disappeared before I could ask him for a sticker.
Haha Justin, reminds me of my childhood.
This is a good one. I saw one rolling down the street a couple weeks ago and had a total WTF moment. Totally forgot.
+1, fellow michigander.
The only similarity between the two for me is the girl holds on for dear life and thanks god when it's over.
I'm overtaking heeeere! I'm overtaking heeere! Up yours you son of a bitch!
Terrific career move. Now she can be a big time overrated hack with limited abilities whose career is one of the largest gimmicks in motorsport.
The rare triple lindy. I applaud you sir.