friendly hoon

I'm going to be a homer and say the Woodward Dream Cruise. The cruise itself may not have as much tradition as other things that will be mentioned, but cruising up and down Woodward avenue does. It's just something you have to see and do to understand.


Man this is overkill. When I'm dead, just throw me in the trash

We don't have food trucks around these parts, and honestly food prepared in a truck doesn't sound that appetizing.

After 2 am they're all the fastest.

So two crashes in as many weeks? God damn Wes.

Or half of these guys.

Actually, this diagram should just depict Jack Roush and say Be this fucking guy.

I lost my left side chicken strips on one. Thanks roundabouts!

That'll buff out.

C4 Corvette. The kid wasn't exactly a bully in the traditional sense; he was an unbelievable douche bag who'd verbally assault anyone who he thought he was better than. So maybe a bully.

Not on my watch.

I was just going to say lifestyle truck, same thing. Utterly terrible.

I just had a carbon fibergasm.

Oh yeah, the ace deuce hipsters. How could I forget.

Well I live here and I think it's pretty dope. But, when I tell people where I'm from I get the usual snickers and snide remarks, so I doubt many people outside the 248/586/313 think it's cool.

Well I think I'll be going to Leo's Coney Island for dinner tonight, rep my hometown coney island.

Jalops only fuck camels.

Where are her monocle and top hat, old sport?