friendly hoon

Getting sideways is something to avoid.

Ok, now make Alfa Romeo of Bloomfield Hills a fucking reality.

While I'd probably sell my soul for a 240 turbo, I wouldn't pay 18 g's.

Now that I think about it, it was cold and rainy.

I went down to Greek town earlier this month and I wasn't accosted by a bum! Shits turning around.

Chrysler is in Auburn Hills, not Detroit.

Women be shov... never mind.

I dig this C class, which is odd because I've never been too keen on MBs. If I could row the gears I'd be downright lustful towards the C63.

Some would call it scary, others would call it pants shitting-ly terrifying.

Yeah, I needed more distractions on top of the tournament and Sebring qualifying in a bit.

Chuck Norris is 70 years old, hopefully his license is removed before he crashes his Camry into a boutique.

Never seen one in real life, but I've always loved that car. Must Drive.

I didn't even know there was a sport classic.

You ruined a perfectly good 914, old guy.

The files are IN the computer?

5th grade, I had that shit on cassette.

If pissing your pants is cool, consider me Ray Wert.

With all my good driving habits, I'm going to bet I'm at 17 mpg. I'll find out when I fill up on my way home tonight.

My xbox was stolen last week. Fuck my poor life.