friendly hoon

To be fair, NO ONE was on the roads in metro detroit that night. I'm pretty sure this was the night of the bemoaned snowpocalypse (which was a bust) and people stayed off the roads. Up near Troy and Birmingham on I75 between Crooks and Square Lake was dead, I know because I was hooning about that night over there.

I think I could be of service, but I doubt you want one riddled with bullet holes.

Couldn't agree more.

Maybe the most ironically named car of all time.

Chevy Celebrity.

Is it spring yet?

I've probably seen a dozen, but I live/work near the chrysler tech center. Also i've seen the same srt10 a few times on I75 and a couple Alfa Giuliettas. Boss.

TK is right by the old Big Buck brewery. I miss Big Buck brewery.

I'm about as gangster as a 23 year old white kid from the suburbs... CP.

I'm too tall for one of these.

Very dudemanbro of you, Ken.

And you have that stripper smell on you to remind you how much your life sucks.

Less money spent on fuel, more spent on mullet related maintenance.

Shows how much you know!

True. And because it evoked a bit of pride amongst us who live in this area it's bad for America. Back to being the whipping post.

Technically he was carried away on a gurney. Get well soon Robert.

Excellent idea. Based on my family's experience taking the keys away from my grandmother, I don't believe it will ever happen. Before her Alzheimer's got really bad she threw a huge shit fit, and she is a very sweet and docile lady. Eventually she forgot she owned a car.