I hate everything this kid symbolizes. I feel bad for the kid who plays this douche, he'll probably look back at these douchey ads with revengeful scorn.
I hate everything this kid symbolizes. I feel bad for the kid who plays this douche, he'll probably look back at these douchey ads with revengeful scorn.
Looks like I have twelve potential new wallpapers.
Just a matter of time gentlemen.
Suburban: Wheee!
@Jstas has gas!: They taught me how to let the girls cook the food while you talked about football with your friends.
@Slid Pissed Tossed Mazda3hatch sideways into a effin DITCH: I was 19 or 20 when I bought it. It was practical then because I was in college, didn't need to drive much, and when I did it was usually snowy. It's a miserable daily driver (freeway noise is ridiculous with the rag top) and not very practical with…
@Slid Pissed Tossed Mazda3hatch sideways into a effin DITCH: I just grabbed that one off google. This one is mine.
@Slid Pissed Tossed Mazda3hatch sideways into a effin DITCH: Who'd want to steal a piece of crap TJ?
This is the same area (Washington Blvd, circa 2005) where I was solicited marijuana and cocaine by a man with a binkie in his hair, a la Loc dog in Don't be a Menace.
I don't remember much from my college stats class, but enough to call bullshit on these guys.
@dangertree: Heart click.
@Chris Preuss: I knew it.
Are you spying on your customers when they sing in their cars?
Italian bonding adhesive strikes again?
@Brett Berk: ga... lame.
Red coat tavern: great burgers, or the greatest burgers.
@ReverendDexter: I've owned a 5 door and a 3 door. I enjoyed them both.