Here come the strangely defensive nerds. Popcorn at the ready.
Here come the strangely defensive nerds. Popcorn at the ready.
The milk wholesaler adds value by making the milk much easier for consumers to get. It gets the milk from farms all over the place and moves it to a convenient marketplace. They earn their markup by adding value.
That’s not how an economy works. That’s how private, for-profit business works in a free-market capitalistic economy. If there is a societal need that cannot be provided by a private business for a profit in such an economic structure, that is know as a “market failure.” The need doesn’t go away, so other ways to…
Motherfucker, PLEASE. The book isn’t anti-autonomous cars at all. I fucking WISH writing anti-Tesla articles made one tiny bit of difference on book sales. It doesn’t. And I’m not anti-Tesla. But if this is your reaction to this story, perhaps you should seek out your clergyperson or a trusted relative. Maybe a…
Am I missing something or does the article not really have anything to do with the crash? Yes L2 systems should be avoided for this exact reason, but in this particular case, AP is not involved at all and the driver had 40 seconds to react and not deliberately accelerate to well over 100mph. Autopilot caps you to…
It looks like De Pere to Milwaukee is a 115 mile trip, with a Tesla supercharger right in the middle. Even the cheapest Model 3 could easily make that trip in the dead of winter without a charging stop, and if you don’t like Tesla, a Bolt, Niro, or ID.4 could do the same.
I agree with this. Getting rid of 2-strokes will be tough for commercial purposes or huge properties, but there really is no reason for the average homeowner to need anything other than electric.
Ahh, that explains it! yah it is suburban embarrassment, but TikTok dad isn’t wrong.
Agreed, it just doesn’t look good, plain and simple. It looks like an FJ and a truck had a test tube baby and it got the Danny DeVito part of the twin offspring. Not sure which EV truck would be the Arnold.
“You see these ‘shackles’? That’s what the MILITARY uses to dangle their Humvees from helicopters!”
What Transformers movie was that from?
Yeah, but, you have to drive a Bolt then...
Well, at least it looks like his hat gets his jokes.
Brake engineer here:
I don’t know if he ever actually played the role before, but in my mind’s eye, John Henry always looked like Michael Clarke Duncan.
I like Long’s roof.
If you loved Symphonia, you’ll love Vesperia. It’s kind of in the same line of Tales games and improved upon the Symphonia formula in every way.
I absolutely loved Tales of Symphonia back in the Gamecube days, but I’m not going to lie: Vesperia completely blows it out of the water. The characters are better and more interesting, there’s greater flexibility in customizing them, the story starts off seemingly fairly stereotypical but throws some really…