I hoon, therefore I am

This is priced well outside of that range, though, and there’s no short-term plan to trickle down at all - the $80k version doesn’t arrive for another 3.5 years. If Hummer is to be GM’s EV truck/SUV brand, they need to get more affordable models to market much sooner. A better strategy would be something like Ford rev

The tech pieces are fine, but the actual cabin already looks dated. The seats are copies of a 2005 Tahoe, for example.

The seats are literally copies of a 2005 Tahoe.

Uncharted Waters: New Horizons is the apex of the genre.

I appreciate the red arrow pointing to something important. Click to hear Mr. Clean explain it!

The Tik Tok still image (thumbnail?) shows a 40-something in an Advocare (the MLM) shirt, with socks and slip-on sandals and sweats hiked up to his knees. He also has a partial sleeve and shin tattoos. If that doesn’t scream suburban embarrassment I don’t know what does.

Are we looking at the same thing? It looks like they dusted off the H3T and added Avalanche sail panels. They even have a period-correct, mid-00s GM interior!

“Up to 400 kW”??? That’s insane and quite honestly a great price per hp. OK I’m reconsidering what I said now.

But is it as bad as taking advice from a grey-hair in an Advocare shirt, hiked up sweats, and slip-ons with socks?

The Bolt, Leaf, Kona, Ioniq, Soul EV, and i3 don’t do it for you?

I have an 650hp, LSA-powered, 6-speed, pro-touring muscle car with all the bells and whistles, and will absolutely be doing an electric swap in the future. But to say this kit eliminates the excuses ignores the whole cost aspect of an undertaking like this, which is still firmly in early-adopter territory. The kit is

Yeah but even the later ones are pretty damn handsome. And it’s a trivial matter to make them performance machines (I think they handle very well for their age as-is).

Man, I’m a pretty big EV homer, but even I’m a bit skeptical of batteries for towing. The Model 3 battery is about 168 Wh/kg, which means that a 20kWh battery would come in at 260 lb. It doesn’t sound like much, but that is 260 lb less available capacity, and will be towed regardless of battery SOC (i.e., it’s going

Same. I beat it and didn’t find the controls as frustrating as others, but it would be a much better game with traditional controls (and maybe some late-game fat trimmed away).

It’s not, that’s a typical summer day temp right there. Obviously they’re not sitting at that temp constantly, but it is a bit concerning considering lithium operating temperatures are supposedly above 45°.

Also thanks for the link to an open-access journal publisher. That’s a great resource.

As much as I enjoy my Model S, fit and finish aren’t befitting a true luxury vehicle. It has, however, solidified that I won’t be purchasing ICE for my daily ever again. I’m pretty excited for the ID.4 (even if it’s a CUV) and Polestar 2, among others, and will certainly be looking beyond Tesla for my next car.

There’s a reason we design to minimize “human factors.” I worked to eliminate it on redesigns of 50 year-old aviation equipment, and find it humorous coming from the World’s Most Valuable Automaker™.

Makes you wonder how they’ll handle the Skyward Sword remake.

...which shows that capacity retention at 90% SOC after 700 days is 94.2% at 25°C and 90% at 35°C, suggesting a stronger correlation to temperature than SOC.