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    Or better yet ban the serial numbers, and track the IP address that request activation, if they want to sue so be it they can request for the identity from their isp, they don’t have to break laws. This is exactly the same as a guy robbing you and you breaking in to his house to prove he did it, there’s a proper set

    on the topic of space ships they definitely try their damdest to make them safe they happen, i guess you haven’t heard of the Apollo abort issue on the first mission to the moon? 

    The issue with all that, is that the alternative ship is crashed on the alternative earth....

    i wonder what would happen if sony really does go under, and sells off playstation or it just dies with the brand? though its definitely more likely that if bankruptcy was on the table that they would sell off as much of the red lining divisions as needed just to keep playstation the only thing still doing good.

    Start up or not, they are funded entirely by investors and have yet to make any profit, not one quarter have the been positive, so investor funded| ✓, currently hemorrhaging money|✓, no idea when they will be profitable|✓. Looks like a horse sounds like a horse...but at least they started the electric car for the

    Here it right now, a used dell t1600 or dell t3600 with a gtx 1070 thrown in,

    If that was a PC I could get 1080p-60fps for around the price of 350$(used computer with a thrown in GPU) I agree that 1080p60 should be the standard

    Idc about the Xbox vs PC debate, but if you want the best graphics then it’s definitely PC, the only issue is that you have to deal with mouse and keyboard and a higher Max skill level, though the whole argument that PC is more expensive is false for the most part my PC cost me 450$ and it includes a 4c/8t

    Just go around looking for lcds on the curbside, picked up 7 in that last month(well like a month and a half) and 4 of them just had simple blown caps and fuses and another was stuck in test mode, it’s not hard to get a big tv if your willing to fix it for 10-20$ and can solder, just look around, apartment complexes

    Kinda jumping off your statement, but I had chickens as a kid, I found it funny to feed them chicken nuggets, am(/was) I a horrible person, probably.

    Everyone also needs to stop treating random science papers as fact(I would rather that media just stopped reporting on science till it’s proven, but that’s not going to happen), I have seen articles state both that multitasking if good for and bad for brain development. It can’t be both so something is wrong and more

    Yep, I wonder how people don’t notice that they have looked at the sun before, even if it’s just a split second everyone has done it

    I have 16 nieces and nephews, 3/4 are wonderful, 4 are not the best personalities, its a gamble dont do it.

    I would get a female to male USB type c cable(just search for a type c extension cable) then you can just plug that cable into the switch and the other end into the dock(you would likely not be able to use a cheap cable though since they only use 4 wires, and even then the switch might be using a weird pin out) not

    i think you ment sarcasm not joke, and with out any disclaimers or punctuation (such as apostrophes around the sarcastic bit) it’s impossible to tell if your a troll, mean what you say or being sarcastic/ telling a joke. It’s a fundamental flaw of the written English language, without tone of voice things can have

    Main roadhog myself, if that makes me a devil so be it, its what ive always played

    I would have thought that it would be easier to use a moba mouse(one with like 8-16 buttons) so you can play full one handed

    He never mentioned race, read my other comments in this threads. I get tired of people inserting race into statements where it is not implied. Would that statement be just as relevant against i white kid? Yes, so how is it racist. This has literally happened in my own family and im white.

    Race was not mentioned in his comment, family members had done such things before to my nieces and nephews, i also was in fostercare and have heard of such stories from both white and black kids, race doesn’t determine whether your a shit person, but it certainly doesn’t rule it out.

    Hes white also, just saying since I didn’t mention that, also there are more white people on drugs then blacks, there are more shity white parents, race doesn’t determine the quality of a person(good or bad), and if race isn’t implied it shouldn’t twisted to look racist