
A poor man’s Warren Beatty

He is the worst thing in Barry Lyndon, a film I adore.

The old curmudgeons have a point though. Small ball, stolen bases and hit and runs are much more fun to watch than walks, strikeouts and waiting for the home run to plate 2 fat guys anchored to the bases.

Ricky Williams: I’m retiring a week before the season starts.

Look at all that tire! I love it. 

No. It’s not. 

Bring back Touchstone!

And my RAV4!

I get exhausted just thinking about this movie. I really couldn’t imagine watching it again and I am a big fan of PTA.

I was taught the alphabet backwards by an early grade school teacher who thought it would be a great idea. Now I can’t sort by alphabet for shit, I have no idea what letter comes first and I can barely say the alphabet forwards.

Seriously how long does it take to build this new stadium? I think it’s fake, there is no new stadium. They will never leave Oakland, they just want to rent from year to year.

Madsen was aged out of Kill Bill, he was basically a corpse in Hateful 8.

This movie clearly needs more dogs.

Saturday’s stage was fantastic as well.

Yep, same engine as my ‘12 RAV4.

Sherman’s weren’t designed as tank fighters, they were ingfanty support mainly. US doctrine was all about using tank destroyers to outmaneuver and engage enemy armor at a longer range.

Isis.  Holy fucking shit. 

Nice. How have I never heard this!?

Good song. Terrible hair cuts.

In Through the Out Door.