
The site has been dead for a while now. I rarely come here, it used to be a several times a day click.

The reviewer’s ideological bent is the least of the problems with the review.

Amen, remember when this site used to be good?

Is this the one with built in ball you used as a controller? I played so much I ripped my palm on in.

Definitely his most indulgent piece. I could never bear to re watch it unlike all his other movies. A 30 minute re cut sounds about right.

The mumbling was maddening on first viewing, then I re watched with subtitles on and it’s one of my favorite PTA’s.

A lot of casting to do unless they leave out a bunch of characters like making Rabban a composite and not having Feyd. No Emperor, Irulan, Alia, a 3rd stage Guild Navigator would be nice to see. I know I am forgetting a bunch of people. Plus the surviving cast has to be available and they are pretty big names not to

The record sounds  great but I really want to see that tour video. Any chance it will be released stand alone?

I love that episode, Alex was such a great sport to do that.

It’s the 3rd best Mad Max movie. Road Warrior and Death Proof are the best action movies.

No slant 6? No Dice.

Les Paul would like a word.

I guess it’s not his 1st movie but my point stands. 

Don’t agree, GR is the better film imo. BR is a first movie, well written and conceived but some parts are just not that well acted. Having a casting budget makes a big difference. 

I blame Big Holiday and Big Greeting Card.

Same, this was so so much better than Uncut. 

Not today.

Damn, that looks good! Have to find that one streaming.

What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

A friend was is in a head on collision on the interstate while driving a Caliber car version. Another car came across the median and hit her dead front a highway speed. Her Caliber front end and engine was smashed up against the firewall but didn’t break into the passenger compartment and she escaped with broken left