
Because Jon is a Targ, that is why it didn’t aim at him is what I took away from it. I was thinking Jon would ride Drogon and take over after killing Dany.

Flossing is more important than brushing, do them both at least once a day and you are golden...er white!

He’s only 55.

Me too!

Of course he did he’s Jon Snow. 

That is a good take. I hated that character. 

Thanks Drew, glad you made it.

I actually thought it was snowing at the end but I guess it was ashes falling?

Right? I would be an awesome General in Westeros. 


I shower afterwards. 

Yup. This.

It doesn’t take a military genius to know you have to deploy scouts, it’s just basic survival instinct.

So is Cersei just going to blow up Kings Landing with wildfire again after the invading army is inside the walls?

You’d think that losing one dragon and almost losing another would make the “Dragon Queen” super careful about her military flying assets. So she went for a joyride above enemy territory of course. Drogon should just eat her and fly away back to Essos.

“The car is presently an automatic,”

It wasn’t great of him sending Ghost in with the stupidly doomed light cavalry frontal night assault either.

How long has Cersei been pregnant anyway? Shouldn’t be showing or did I miss something?

Right? It’s not like technology has advanced either, they have been in the iron age forever.

I normally suspend belief pretty hard for this show and I liked the last episode a lot despite the flaws but this was the stupidest episode ever.