
Your composition nerd brain isn’t really that much of a nerd.

Might just speak more to how few plays there actually are in a football game?

Seems noteworthy that no one destroyed, idk, a pair of Off Whites or anything. Everything that was destroyed was likely bought at TJ Maxx or similar.

I would say that Natalya does more than regularly appear on Total Divas.

They really beefed up that 2 door Honda Accord.

Where’s Polly Chalmers? 

Why does this woman need to some arbitrary standard of attractiveness that you have? An “ugly” trans woman is a woman.

A friend’s wife was one of the first people seated once they got people into the Assembly. She said that after taking care of some other Assembly business which opened up additional seats, that those seats were filled with people who appeared to be pretty blatant plants by...pick your poison.

Are you me? The main reason I’d like to be in gold over bronze/silver is the amount of quitters seems to increase the lower you go.

Be taller

They filmed a scene on my mom’s street because it had a house with a high enough portico over the driveway. Which is Marin in a nutshell. Sadly, I did not get to see Bumblebee.