Where’s Mrs. Croft, older sister of Captain Wentworth from Persuasion? She was so lovely in that film as one of the few people from the very outset you see being nice to Anne ...
Where’s Mrs. Croft, older sister of Captain Wentworth from Persuasion? She was so lovely in that film as one of the few people from the very outset you see being nice to Anne ...
More people exercised, more people stopped smoking and more people lost weight.
What, you walked right past the Pfeffernuesse? Unforgivable lapse in situational awareness.
Best goddamn mom of all time.
So same as with GBBO then?
The fact that almost everyone in the Potterverse marries their childhood Weasley
This needs to be one of our chief “Misandry!” gifs, STAT.
Only Lee Pace is worthy of my love. All other celebrities basically suck.
Hot tip: don’t try to convince your SO to have period sex by saying “But you get to pretend you’re washing off the blood of your enemies when you take a shower!” I (drunkenly) thought that was hilarious. He did not.
I think Obama is hitting on a lot of key points in this speech about the importance of participating in democracy.
I hate this so much, I had a pretty decent job and I got pregnant and my husband and I decided that I was gonna stay home at least for 5 years raising our child. My replacement was hired and it was a guy, when training him it came up that his salary was going to be 20k more a year than I made and his qualification…
I’m watching the hell out of this. I’ve missed him so much since Dont Trust the B**** in Apt 23 was canceled.
Mine is 9. I taught her self defence last year because she is so gentle and pleasant that I cannot stand the thought of someone hurting her and her not knowing how to defend herself. Every now and then I shout “WHOSE BODY?” and she shouts “MY BODY”. There are really simple moves you can teach her: chin thrust, fingers…
About the “we age, we’re forgotten” part - I read a piece today about co-living setups designed by and for older women. You get your own space and can come and go as you please, but there are also workshops, common areas, that kind of thing. There was a section about how one woman had surgery - her daughter came up…
You know how reverse racism isn’t a real thing? This is pretty much the same deal — childless women who eschew marriage and makeup are not in a position to do you harm as you pursue your just-coincidentally-patriarchy-approved path. So instead of inflicting us with your neediness by misinterpreting passages that posit…
You’ve put so many of my unarticulated feelings into words. I, too, grew up feeling that I had to shoulder the bad feelings for men who couldn’t handle them. I can barely look at my husband lately without raging because I know in myself that I’m done shouldering things I never should have in the first place—but I…
You’ve accurately described the day to day humiliation of living inside a woman’s body. The good men are still trying to force us to believe we’ll be ok, which feels like an even greater assault than those actively assaulting us.