Lady Dedlock is bored to death

@Leigh: I actually got my Chantelle bras at a sample sale, so they were $25-30 each. Best deal ever. But I think most upscale department stores carry them, so I'll probably be checking out Bloomingdales, etc., next time I have to go bra shopping.

@Le Kangourou de Kataroo: The exact same happened to me. Although, to be fair, I also laughed when I found out I was a D cup.

Victoria's Secret just has a very narrow range of sizes. I'm not a full-figured woman—if a top has a bit of support in it, I can go braless fairly comfortably. But apparently VS can't handle the contradiction of a moderate bust on a small frame, since they never carry my size, 32D.

@angryyoungwoman: Victoria's Secret tried to tell me that 32D is the same as 34C, so I've been wearing those when I'm too lazy to go to specialty shops. But they're not as good as my 32Ds.

As if I didn't have enough reasons to love Randall Munroe!

Most of my biggest fears have to do with the body: paralysis, dismemberment, death, needles, pregnancy... Rejection? I can live through that shit.

@wooden_shoes: Seriously! What does it matter if she's extremely smart if all she ever does is defer to him?

My boyfriend asked me to shave mine, but I don't like to because I get too many ingrown hairs. I know hair in mouth is not fun, but I didn't stop kissing him when he had a mustache, and fair is fair.

I know I'm late to the party, but I can't resist writing a double dactyl for the occasion:

@Shiny_Shiny_JoanofAr...: What I wouldn't give to see his "Idioteque" dance on ice...

I doubt a service like this is really necessary. You could always just set up an automatic food dispenser, etc. ([www.postrapturepets.com]) and have an email sent to a trusted friend to let them know you've been taken to heaven in the rapture ([www.raptureletters.com]).

@Ri_L: I do the same exact thing with writing poetry. The best advice I've heard on the subject? "Lower your standards."

Aww. I tried to take a picture of my cat looking out into the snow today, but she wouldn't cooperate—she just stuck her nose in the camera and hopped off the windowsill. Typical!

@prismatism is Team Bella: I'm with you on this. Everyone talks about "size zero" like it's such an extreme thing, but I wear size zero pants, and I'm not even close to underweight. I'm 5'5" and have a moderately athletic build. I have some curves. I don't like when people talk about my build as if I've somehow

@bonita applebum: It is my blog! I don't post all that regularly, but I would be honored to be on your jezzie blogroll. =)

@ThereIsNoFluffy: So with you on this. It's supposed to make your ascent faster! It's an escalator, not a ride!

I hope this is okay to share. Instead of watching the Super Bowl, I wrote a poem about how I detest February:

Oh, right, because dancers make so much money and they can buy fancy-pants track pants. My sweats from the previous decade will suit me just fine, thanks!

@lurker2209: I do the same, but mostly because I'm always forgetting things. I like to leave one umbrella at work and one at home, too, since even if I remember to check the weather, I won't remember to take an umbrella with me when I leave for work.