
The Zuckerbing© 16GB Player??

I think it was XKCD:

I get where you are going, but pre- when attached to verbs suggests that the action is taking place before the event/the time it will be needed. Pre-running a race suggests that you are running the path of a race, but not on the day of the race after the gun went off. Pre-heating an oven suggests that you are getting

I'm not sure that I buy "bus running late" as an equivalency. In that scenario, you have many low-cost options to mitigate the problem (e.g., pay for a taxi, walk/ride a bike to work, call a friend to get a ride). When a plane leaves you stranded in another city, there just isn't a whole lot of options that are

I like Red Baron's Supreme, and recently got the Wal-Mart brand rising-crust supreme and thought it was good.

I have a bunch of macros that I use all the time, but I think that might be a bit off-topic, so I'll refrain. :)

Oh please tell me that "typo's," "there" (and not "their"), and and the odd "...all latest string..." phrase were done for ironic, comedic effect.

Hey! Forklifts are ... umm .. yeah, I can't sell it.

I have the same issue, but have succeeded with the Couch to 5K program. I downloaded the free podcast and just listened to it. I think using RunKeeper / getting the program above would be a successful strategy, to just give a purpose to your runs.

You, my fellow commenter, are adorable.

dave78981: include #corrections so the know what to change.

That explains the new jingle I heard ...

korpo, I appreciate your explanation of what these things are characterized as, since my sentence "My intent was to name some things I think people do where they break the laws, but the items are minor" did not show that I was aware that these were wrong.

I've used it - it typically either gives an "Unknown Caller." Every now and then, it gives mine but I have had the "Unknown" thing more often than not.

Luckily, I had not written "laws on theft" or I would have a harder time. As noted in my other post, the examples were poor.

LoL! It's not, but I admit that there have been times where I grabbed the drink when I walked in, shopped, paid for my stuff, got home, and then realized that I never paid for the drink. It was unintentional, but that doesn't change the law.

Ya know what, I could have presented those statements better. My intent was to name some things I think people do where they break the laws, but the items are minor (like taking 4 pieces of candy from the Brock's sampler at the grocery store, but paying only the 3-for-a-quarter price, or popping a grape in your mouth

+1 for making me go look up "gweduc" to see if that even really was a word (it is). And yeah, anyone who played that would make me want to resign immediately.

You'll see below that several incidents people have written were in scenarios where they'd not committed a crime. Because you are innocent does not negate the rights you have, and you shouldn't let these be trampled upon with abandon.

I got this one for ~$30: