
+1 I set this to "Heavy Rain" and either "exit app in 1h30m" or "exit app at 5:30 am" and then put the iPhone in its charger. It lets me sleep through the night.

Your non-Apple phone sounds intriguing. Maybe do a tips for non-Apple functionality? That way this comment would be seen by its intended audience, non-Apple users.

Right, your 3GS does, but virgilstar's 3G does not.

Mom was perplexed when her '03 Honda Accord would roll down all the windows when she was walking toward it in a parking lot. It took some time convince her this was a "feature" and not a bug.

I've actually created macros in Excel to turn off AutoCalc and to clear all contents beyond the last row and last column for these exact reasons.

I just read about your app. It sounds interesting. I will purchase it when your huge update comes.

As a side note from the screen shot, Girl Talk is awesome: some great running music. "Don't Feed the Animals" is a great album blend of 80's & 90's hooks with some interesting rap/R&B mixed in. Highly recommend it!

by the way, that's a great "family friendly" substitute for the blue word s—-load. I will need to start using that. :)

I agree with caincha - in fact, I took one of the baking soda boxes with the vented side for use in the refrigerator and once I had used it, dumped out all the baking soda. I then filled it half-way with activated charcoal that I bought in the aquarium section of the local megamart ($4). Works like a champ, AND I

Aligning with your birthday cake example, a professor demonstrated this by going on a Twinkie Diet:

I am not a morning person. I'm just not. I admit this. I would rather get an additional 15 minutes of sleep. I'm not proud of this fact, but it is reality.

re: M-letterfold

Don't leave yet! They just added CallerID to their TV/Internet/Phone people! Something that nearly everyone else has had for several years now!

I wish I had the time to look at the posts from last June to find one where someone said the same thing about the iPhone 4.

Chick-Fil-A waffle fries + Whataburger's ketchup = AWESOMES

Mustard on french fries? Well, that's just crazy talk. Next thing you will be wanting to eat them with mayonnaise.

I believe it's "proofread."

Since I can't see the video here at work, here's a link through another site (in case that one above isn't exactly what is sought) ...

Now playing

This was on an episode of Good Eats. +1 to Alton Brown!

To your comment on inflection, I remember reading sometime back a great example of that.