
@USBhack: And a guy hit the $200 Million lottery with a $1 ticket.

I guess my thing about the article is that I read it and think, "OK, great, they track these things. Now what?" I mean I can't get them, I can't find out what my cards think would be my Attrition Score or my Bankruptcy Probability.

@Will Floyd: +2 ... +1 for the quote, and a bonus +1 for it actually being with a Canadian.

I quit using FoxyTunes when I noticed that certain times, my typing would get truncated in Firefox (I would be hammering on the keys and nothing would type), but in any other program I didn't have a typing issue. It wasn't all the time but it did happen intermittently.

@Tawakalna: Well, I'm glad you chimed in with your two-standard-deviations-away-from-the-norm scenario.

@Transuranic: Now, now! People in aluminum-covered glass houses shouldn't throw stones!

@mahumphrey: No, he was too busy coming up with a handle to promote a website to RTFA.

@Honkycat: ... and even flip flops ...

@resilient: ... because wearing athletic socks or flip fops with my suit and tie looks ridiculous.

@greimel: Agreed. I have an iPod nano, and I love the fact that it keeps track of the mileage easy peasy: everytime I sync up the nano, it syncs up with Nike+. I've had no issue with it.

@dmtofree: CNN, ABC, MSNBC cough* Liberal bullshit*cough sorry I had a cough. :)

@atkulp: Or...could be you would have shorter videos of violas.

@JeRrYFaR: ... and it's global. :)

Pretty cool, but I haven to say that when I printed it, I was disappointed ... it ran it down the left side as one column. :-(

@slater: The part I hate though is that I always seem to be comparing two items with different "per"units. Invariably, I am comparing the 24pk of a soda (cost per fl. oz.) with a 2-liter (cost per liter) ... Then I'm gettin' all math nerdy on it and having to convert units .. then I'm going to the liquor aisle and

@AvDub: Because she has 18 holes?