Honk Honk Punch

Thank you so much for this response.

Has anyone watched the movie "Westworld?" It's extremely underwhelming.

She did a lot of "wandering around like you just woke up from a dream" acting. I understand that's the point, but it grew pretty grating towards the end of the season.

He created a pretty compelling character essentially out of nothing. A lot of menacing smiles and laconic dialogue.

You don't come across many Person of Interest fans, but when you do, they are very loyal

There is a "Promotional Mono Version" and a "Single Version", both have different guitar and vocal parts, and also distinctly different drums. Charlie plays quite loose, noticeably looser, and the takes have a slightly more ragged feel.

I am a Millennial, saw Saving Private Ryan as a 13 year old. During the opening beach sequence, there is a scene where a wounded young man holds his exposed intestines and cries out for his mother.

Kids are punk assholes. I was a punk asshole as well. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. So any encounter I have with kids being punk assholes, I merely shake my head and say: "kids are punk assholes".

Desert Storm?

Dear CineCraft,

The Pacific Theatre is truly fascinating.

Seems like a pretty cool guy. The strong, silent type.

Dear Catain America,

Very nice, great success!

Our opinions are quite similar!

I'm asocial. Acquaintances think I'm bizarre, I believe. I could not care less.

You seem to have a low view of yourself, friend. I asked for your opinion, so it would inherently be valuable to me.

I love how it begins as a standard fiddle solo, then quickly turns into an Eastern European wedding. Bad Ass.

I agree - the solo is so great it manages to overcome the hindrances you noted, and still stand as iconic.

Agreed. It's because it's a tight, contained drum solo that flows perfectly into the next song (The guitar solo trade-off, "love you….love you…." part)