Honk Honk Punch

I always base my opinions on the Facebook comments on local news stories.

I've never been able to get into Wilco. I love almost all types of music: hip-hop, funk, soul, old blues, new blues, classic country, 90s country, bluegrass, jazz, spiritual, classical, reggae, grunge, punk rock, classic rock, roots rock, etc., etc…

Ha no. That's Poe's Law for you. That was mock exasperation.

Aye, just go to bed you fooken coont

That, I believe, was the joke.

You clever li-el fooker

He's gonna die.

Billy saved it for the camera

"Well, aren't you a frosty cont"

We get it, you think your daughter is smart.

Well, both of those name stink. JoNerys?

I loved "Don't you mean we're fucked?" "No, I do not." In both it's content and cadence, it reminded me of the great exchange between De Niro and Pacino in "Heat":

Hey, good on you my friend for thinking over the issues, putting aside pride, and at least giving things a second thought. The fact that you did these things means you are NOT an asshole. You're human. We all are.

The word Nazi is thrown around way, WAY too much in general society. I have relatives killed by Nazi, my family escaped the Nazis (and the Soviets). To paraphase a famous quote, I know Nazis, and the vast, vast majority of people on the right are not "Nazis".

Per your Granddad's letter: People often get caught up in the gears of history. Young men were drafted into the Nazi army, were killed, and now are branded as the worst of the worst humans ever. But they were young men caught up in something beyond their control, and something they often did not believe in. Not every

My condolences on your father.

If you are referring to person who asked the question, I did not make sweeping generalizations based on what CA said - I was more upset by those individuals he referenced. I too personally know some Bernie supporters who are good, good people, and I had never heard any of them make any racist intimations - hence my

Yes, I know the original. I hadn't heard that cover, or heard of the film.

When people refuse to enter conversations because you "can't understand", a standard answer is "How do you know? There is a difference between can't, won't, and don't."

Really, "on track to evil"? You need to play around more with your words, there. I'm curious where the first African-American president winning in a landslide and then being re-elected fits on your "track"