Honk Honk Punch

"My God" is such a great tune.


I love Jim Morrison, and I never forget the greatness of Ray, Robbie, and Densmore.

If you're not playing "air-synth" during that part, you're not listening correctly.

I love it.

Gives me chills, everytime.

How was Burdon in person?

Saxophone solo in "Brown Sugar" (How did that not make the list?)

As a resident Bostonian, I am aghast…….at how accurate this is.

Good for Patton.

This is poor journalism. No research was done. Huge chunks of relevant info missing. If you're going to put out an article, take the 5 minutes to Google the subject you're writing about.

Wow. Last of the Mohicans #6???

I agree. They added some nice depth & color to that character.

Yes, that is a great, creepy scene. The sense of dread just sits like a rock in the pit of your stomach as he goes longer into the story

That is both fun and a fact

It is, but upon repeated watching the score really becomes obtrusive (listen to how loud and dissonant the music is in the opening battle scene).

Criminally underrated!

That hadn't been done before? I feel as though it almost had to have.

"It’s always the people making the biggest shows of their own patriotism who are doing the most nefarious shit"

Seems like a classy guy.