Honk Honk Punch

So you're saying there's a chance….

Yup. Great call Dik

Gasp! Plenty O'Toole was Russian?

Has he? He'll always be the bad guy from Aliens to me

Case in point.

Who suggested it WASN'T okay to comment on? We were having a pleasant discussion!

The purpose of watching a show is seeing it end?

What is the purpose of watching the show?

You can call her Queen V

Paul Reiser was in Aliens, sir. You bite your tongue, and we can all come out of this set up for life.

Perhaps the ending was more in line with "it doesn't matter if the villain goes free…"

It goes on & on & on & on……

That is quite interesting.

She's in her mid-30s. She's a big girl.

Lorde is going to have a long, prosperous, and excellent career.

My best friend also had a theremin on stand-by to cue up for weird moments.

About 5 years ago, a dear friend of mine had an early October wedding (which I was in). I got it in my head that I *needed!* to hear Monster Mash, and pestered the DJ with note after note, all night, requesting my jam. I eventually got the Bride on board, and to my delight, I finally heard the iconic "laboratory

I see no one had the stones to post Macarena. *judges harshly*

That's quite amusing to me. I once had this actual discussion with my best friend. (He thought it was "I'm paranoid, I'm paranoid", I thought it was "paranoia, paranoia".) You've sent me down memory lane, Stan Roberts. I may never return.

I responded to every single video Leonardo linked to with a deep, deep cringe. I've aged 20 years.