Honk Honk Punch

I always thought the line in Flagpole Sitta was "I wanna publish SCENES, and rage against machines"


Welp, that'll haunt my nightmares for years. Thanks!


Well, they did decide on an "ending" - just not an ending in the traditional sense.

To be fair, we have no context about your joke, and on its face it doesn't appear to be funny. (Perhaps it's a hypothetical inside joke?)

They often do.

Varga was very clearly a personification of the current "post-Truth" era in which we live - everything can be spun to suite your worldview. If you find this "post-Truth" era incredibly tiresome, it makes sense that you would find its personification equally tiresome. The character was grating for the sake of being

People like endings

"Celebrities should know better"? They don't!

Next step, walking around NYC mumbling to himself in a bathrobe.

This is true of both sides.

If there's one thing I learned in 'Nam, it's

The problem is that this country has become so partisan, that literally everything is now viewed through a partisan lens. It stinks

I posted both my appreciation of the cinematography, and also my dislike of the magic car. As I said previously, it's possible to appreciate some things and dislike others.

Yes but the context of the joke is that Stark doesn't actually want to rape woman. He's referencing a famously awful aspect of a famous film for the sake of humor.

Ah yes. I took that as a breezy & harmless "Braveheart" riff. Am I not woke?

MRA. SJW. People sure love labels

What was the Age of Ultron rape joke? I don't recall it (or really any of the film outside of it ending with The Hulk calmly piloting a jet)

Precisely. Bang bang Maslow's silver hammer came down upon their heads…