Honk Honk Punch

Yes, but it can also cause severe confirmation bias.

This has to be some elaborate, twisted, extremely sick trolling of humanity.

I agree. She kicked ass. Her and Ripley are two of my favorite characters, regardless of gender.

She had been in prison. They ostensibly don't give you a blaster w/ your blanket in your cell.

I loved how Peggy Carter was portrayed.

Mansel in Distress?

Well, you can observe a lot just by watching. It ain't over till it's over.

Technology is intrusive & insidious



What were his last three? I know one was the racing biopic.

I personally thought The Revenant could have used a lot less bear, a lot more Illuminati.

Whose scruffy lookin'?

Han Solo did punch the Millennium Falcon to help her power up, much like Fonzie and his jukebox.

It is possible to appreciate certain aspects of a show even when other aspects of said show are not up to par. You should try it sometime.

Yes, he nailed it.

Did Nikki go to intensive SWAT training immediately after Ray's death?

Okay, Nikki sabotages the car. She is then killed, causing the car to become un-sabotaged?

So the car "died"… then conveniently came back to life so Emmitt could flee?

He fled before the other cop cars arrived.