Honk Honk Punch

An uneven finale for an uneven season. Some incredible highs paired with some mediocre, meandering mediums and questionable character development. (Nikki kills a police officer? No.)

The entire drop-off scene, building up to the (completely unseen) massacre, was incredibly tense. The long side shot of the small child leading Varga and his assorted goonery to the drop-off location was breathtaking. And the cinematography on the highway scenes was truly lovely.

"Really? His place looked like shit!"

Emmitt’s car runs out of gas, precipitating a violent standoff, which ends with Emmitt getting back into his car (sans gas) and driving away.

Humanity is garbage. Virus with shoes.

Well, don't I feel like an ass

Who said that the villain was the male? Or that there would be a villain at all? People can clash over ideological ideas without one being inherently "right"

You seem to be speaking from experience.

The rabbits? Yup. Attempting to operate a functioning garden with swarms of roving gangs of rabbits helping themselves to a salad every night gets pretty old, pretty quick.

Hey, at least this had the semblance of a "joke"!

What is the obsession with shoehorning a half-assed Trump "joke" into every single article on this website. This "joke" had no creativity, no context, no humor. Do better.

Cats are quite a treat to come home to after spending a summer evening getting stoned with friends in high school.

Can I borrow your cat to patrol my garden? Fuckin' rabbits.

That's pretty bad-ass

I'm right there with you, Tron Guy. Maybe we provide them with food, so they provide us with "food"? A sort of tit-for-tat, Godfather-esque arrangement?

This is a fair question that I've asked many times, and have never received an adequate response.

HST seems to grow more prescient every day.

He's 80, and has negatively affected-to-destroyed countless lives. His "life" is behind him. He got away with it. Fuck him.

No, I do not.

Good lord. Get a hold of yourself