Honk Honk Punch

Yes, please STFU about expressing your opinion on a discussion board. It doesn't line up with my views!

Or just hit the road, no man needed.

Oh….Oh no….

Treat it like Indiana Jones treats the Arc of the Covenant

"Great. You've pin-pointed it"

That was really disgusting.

Well, that's one way to look at it

Someone deciding to NOT make a show will make you the happiest person alive? Good lord, live a life.

I hope your migraine went away eventually

That really would've been something…

A possible ending of "hope" could be Winnie celebrating a positive pregnancy test. There's always the children.

Interesting. Love the movie, haven't read the book. Thanks.

Yeah, I had some dust in my eye, or something.

Yes, I was hoping that was the case the whole season.

Well done

There was a very subtle undertone that there was a "vibe" between the two. But the whole thing was played like two young innocent kids expressing their feelings (watch Gloria's body language when she says "I like you too"). I understand where your coming from, but I took the scene to be more of a reinforcement of

The still photo alone at the top of this article got a hard cringe out of me.

The DeNiro "gag" (i.e. his entire character) was phenomenal.


Interesting parallels