Honk Honk Punch

I think it's more for the sake of comparison

Well Age of Ultron stunk, IMO, so that's a really low bar (I love the first Avengers movie).

He's a TV character. This is not a documentary. Tony Soprano is one of the best TV characters of all time.

Gloria was the only one who saw Nikki's attempted murder in the jail cell, and Gloria is the only one who believes Nikki. Gloria is Nikki's lifeline, and Nikki is no dummy.

You watch your ass

I didn't get a harumph out of that guy….

The correct conclusion is the identification and apprehension of the guilty party.

"Honestly, there are a lot of cops that are willingly that stupid.

I think the coconut creme pie was simply showing Gloria reaching out, in a kind manner, to Nikki, and Nikki responding. Very Marge Gunderson-esque.

They've gone out of their way to make each LEO's with a Y look like an assholes or a moron. Or both.

Oh man. I hated Avengers 2. I nearly walked out. The movie ends with The Hulk (The Hulk!) stoically piloting a jet plane!

Those aren't statistics. That's a second-hand anecdote.

Any real life statistics to back that statement up? Because I personally know about 8 cops who are the exact opposite.

She looked angelic, almost holy, in her closed-eyed, clasped-handed "praying" posture. She floated to the side/bottom of that bus

She's getting what she needs via kindness. Does that make the kindness any less kind?

I think they were toying with the cinematic convention of blurring/ hiding a major player from the audience's view.

It effectively ratcheted up the tension. Who was being blurred? WHY were they being blurred?

Sy had me rolling with his desperate interjections. "It's getting late" "We're all very tired"

Yes, that was a wonderful touch.

Sy is the best character in Season 3. Terrified, beleaguered, emotionally shattered, funny as hell, vulnerable, and loyal. “The world….the world is wrong"