Honk Honk Punch

Varga opening the Stussy family’s neatly packaged Christmas presents was a hoot.

She really Jerry-ed that escape attempt

Sounds pretty cool, thanks tex

Ok. Not exactly a ringing endorsement. Thanks.

How so? What's the draw? I know essentially nothing about the show or character.

Hmm. I am a big fan of most of the MCU films. I gave Daredevil a shot, but lost interest in the second season.

Is this show worth watching?

Yeah. This is eye-opening. I thought I was dealing with some punk kids….perhaps I am the punk?

He's supposed to be infuriating.

This has been my working theory as well. Well said.

I believe what Derek_Noakes was suggesting is that, yes, Varga did not handle the situation….but perhaps he didn't handle the situation on purpose

Yes. Greatest Generation or bust!

Is your brother named Tommy

"I am your father……'s brother"

Watched it on Christmas Eve on VHS in the early 90s, when I was 5 or so. My extended family on that side still spends every Christmas Eve together, and still quote Star Wars at length any time we gather.

That is such a sweet story.

Well, it seems like your life's priorities are in order.

Everyone should be required to take mushrooms at least once, perhaps on their 20th or 22nd birthday. Like the Wizard of Oz, your existence goes from black and white to Color.

Varga told them to leave because he was clearly flustered by Chief Gloria. We have not seen Varga genuinely uneasy once this season. Asking a police officer to leave your office is not "calling the shots" - it's a borderline panic move that arouses more suspicion. Varga asking Gloria and Lopez to leave solidified

I grow tired of the constant stream of easy Trump jokes made in every article on this site, no matter the topic. Reviewing Archer Season 8? Toss in a cheap Trump joke.