Honk Honk Punch

They are really jamming his horridness in our face. Really, picking at your bleeding gums? Yuck

Yeah, she had him pinned. I loved the way that Chief Carrie Coon barely addressed Varga. She sized him up, recognized he was full of shit, and spoke mostly to Emmitt. She was also getting a sense that Emmitt was in over his head, which she conveyed simply with her eyes. Man, CC is great.

To each their own

Are you responding to me? Yes… I know. Dan Carlin of the Hardcore History podcast began his lengthy string of WWI podcasts (called "Blueprint for Armageddon") by setting the scene of Gavrilo Princip eating a sandwich, when the Archduke's car stalled outside the restaurant. The very scene portrayed in last night's

Oh no! You're on to me! *smashes computers, runs*

Yeah I get that.

Interesting that we still haven't had a sniff of what constitutes the real power behind Varga. Surely can't be him, his two goons, and his horrid teeth running the whole shebang

Well I guess I'm defined as the guy who isn't defined by Facebook

I haven't checked that out yet. But I've seen my share of New Adventures of Old Christine, let me tell you

He's the best

A batch of bad brahtwurst.

Your username/photo is particularly tasteless. I imagine that's what you're going for, though.

Varga has intoned that he is invisible, what with his cheap suits and shitty haircuts. "I'm rarely seen".

Not sure if this has been noted before, but the IRS agent was the brother from "New Adventures of Old Christine".

People always act as if I'm insane when I tell them I'm not on Facebook. DOESN'T SEEM SO CRAZY NOW DOES IT

I was watching through my fingers, waiting for the blood to spurt out. When it did, I audibly gasped.

Did anyone else flash to Hardcore History during the Gavrilo Princep/sandwich scene?

This entire season would have been worth the price of admission simply for the pure joy of watching Detective (Chief) Carrie Coon shut down Varga. "Exactly 24?" What a worm.

I understand - I have many, many "touchstone" albums that function as a marker to where I was in my life, good or bad. Listening to them now is a time machine.

Oh, I'm not denying the phenomenom exists. It totally does. I believe McNally refers to it as being "Deader Than Thou" in his great book. But that type of snobbery exists in every facet of life.