Honk Honk Punch

Tragic. What a legend.

Yeah. Truly horrific, haunting stuff.

I imagine they named the character Stella, and built an entire plot line simply to have McGregor shout that line. HEY STELLLLLLLLLLLLA.

Sy rules. I thought he was watching Nikki being beaten to death, which made the scene infinitely more horrific. I was relieved to see her pop her hand onto the front of that car.

I really thought, by Sy's reaction, that Nikki had been beaten to death. Sy was really put through the ringer, emotionally and physically. Stahlberg was electric from beginning to end.

I would venture a guess that he contacted her through Facebook, or that he used Facebook to get her phone number and contact her. People (especially younger folks) tend to post far too much personal info in their naiveté.

Struck me as odd, that's all. Is her younger sister a toddler?


Yes, that's you referring to your little brother. I refer to my little sister as "my little sister" as well. Kind of odd for the AVClub to refer to her as that though.

Why would you say "little sister" rather than "younger sister"?

"I know a lot of lawyers" must be code for "I know two lawyers, watch 'The Good Wife', and feel therefore that I am qualified to making sweeping statements and generalizations."

You mean a vast wasteland ruled over by the Night King, inhabited by White Walkers stumbling around after they win the Great War?

I've been had! You sly dog…


There are people who don't recognize Big Lebowski references while simultaneously tossing out words like "bigot" without understanding what they mean, I guess.

The last episode of Fargo, in which VM Varga stuffed his face with food, graphically regurgitated said food, and then proceeded to spray his mouth/check his teeth in the mirror (in slow motion) made me pretty queasy.

You can't be serious.

I was referring to this season. Past seasons have been loaded with likable "male" characters (some of whom you mentioned)

That does feel, as you said, "way too obvious". But much of this season has been directly on the nose.

I believe the show may have become too "cute" for its own good, at least thus far this season.